Master Two

Start date Jan 2nd 2024


Master Two is a new program. Master Two teaches how to approach higher-level dressage movements, Tempi Changes, Canter Pirouette, Passage, and Piaffe. The aim is not to make the horse do it. The aim is to develop and coordinate the horse’s physique for higher-level movements.

Not every horse can do Piaffe or Tempi Changes but many horses could potentially perform advanced movements if their education was about creating hampering dysfunctions. I explained in the “simple” course that the education of a simple canter departure influences years later the horse’s ability to perform Tempi Changes.

I also explained in the simple course that our thinking is as important if not more important than our skill. We are trained to think that the parts shape the whole. In an organic system the whole shapes the parts. Approaching the problem from the rider and the horse's whole physique opens performances that the traditional approaches don’t permit.

Master Two is the mastery of the athletic coordination allowing the horse to perform at his utmost potential. The course lasts a year. Three months for each movement allows us to study in detail, the athletic demand, the body coordination preparing the horse’s physique for the athletic demand, how to apply advanced knowledge, and how to refine our physique for the practical application of new knowledge. We have then the knowledge to teach others.

One needs to have completed IHTC or Simple course, as well as PAB course to benefit from Master Two

Master Two is offered at a Monthly payment of $70.00

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