Process versus outcome

“Most people don’t want to be part of the process; they just want to be part of the outcome. But the process is where you figure out who’s worth being part of the outcome.” (Author unknown)

The body coordination allowing the horse to benefit from the gymnastics exercise is the art of riding. In this picture, I removed all the visual references, and our mind trained to see the outcome instead of the process, see a horse on right half pass as the body appears to move toward the right, but the legs don’t match. 

Chazot is working on right shoulder in. His whole body moves toward the left. The rotation coupled with the lateroflexion correctly shifts the dorsal spines toward the right.

Suppose I add a rail (black line,) a red arrow showing the direction of the motion, and a green arrow indicating the direction of the transversal rotation.

In that case, it is easier to see that Chazot is working on right shoulder in coupled with the proper rotation.

We are brainwashed to see the appearances and the right picture is the familiar look of a right shoulder in. In this picture, Chazot is in right shoulder in but coupled with an inverted rotation.

Chazot was working in hand on the right shoulder in, and I corrected immediately the inverted rotation

Not only our eye is trained to accept false outcomes, but also our perception. On the left picture, we feel lateral bending. Chazot’s croup is deviated to the right, the inverted rotation loads the left shoulder, and the neck is over bent to the right. There is no lateral bending of the thoracic spine. The left picture is the outcome of a hands/legs equitation.

In the right picture, where the rotation is correct, the feeling is almost a straight thoracolumbar spine. There is a lateral bending of the thoracic spine but the spiral movement created by the proper rotation coupled with equal weight on both front legs gives the feeling of straightness.

If you like to show for the pleasure to compete with a sound horse performing at ease, you need to be part of the process.  If you are not interested by the show business but like a sound horse reaching his potential, you need to know how to apply advanced knowledge.  

“Wisdom One” teaches how to think in the dimension exposed by actual knowledge.

“Wisdom Two” is a deep study on Biotensegrity. Human and equine work in harmonic tensegrity. Dr. Elizabeth Uhl , DVM, PhD, ACVP, explains the most advanced understanding of biotensegrity. I will focus on the practical application.

“Wisdom Three” re-explain the dressage movements, Shoulder in, Half pass, Pirouette, Flying Change, Piaffe, Passage, in the light of actual biotensegrity knowledge.

Each course “Wisdom: last about three months with an active forum for questions and discussions.

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Wisdom 1