Master 1 25


Cost is 60.00 per month

12 months.



Master One 25

Mater One 25 combines the Study of simple dressage movements, the Meditation sessions teaching how to coordinate the horse’s physique for the athletic demand of the performance, and the Science behind the horse and the rider’s performances.

Two monthly documents.

One Document is “Practical application of Biotensegrity.”

January 25. The Shoulder In. Around 1731. François Robichon de la Gueriniere summarized his predecessors’ work by creating the Shoulder In. The gymnastic of the Shoulder In is useful when applied to the actual understanding of the horse’s body function. Incorrect frequency, inappropriate angle, and lateral bending coupled with inverted rotation cancel out the benefits of the Shoulder In.

February 25. The Practice of the Shoulder In. Meditation Session. We are trained to communicate with the horse at a superficial level. If we concentrate on subtle perceptions, we can feel the first stage of a contraction before it becomes a contraction that shifts the shoulders or the haunches. The value of the shoulder in is the horse’s capacity to channel all these minute forces in the direction of the bend. The accuracy of our conversation with the horse working on the shoulder relies on our capacity to feel, assist, and influence minute variations of forces.

March 25. The Half Pass. Crossing the forelegs above the knees is at the same superficial level as injecting the hocks; it focuses on symptoms and ignores body coordination. The bending of the thoracic spine and rotation of the dorsal spines in the direction of the motion is Half Pass’s difficulty and athletic value.

April 25. The Practice of Half Pass. Meditation Session. During Half Pass, a passive rotation is converted into an active rotation in the direction of the motion. We don’t feel it if we expect to feel a rotation. We become sensitive to it as our physique refines its perception and our brain is aware of the athletic demands of half pass. We all can feel and work at this level with adequate training. We enter a world that classical education does not permit us to reach.

May 25. The Renverse. Occasionally. I use Renverse coupled with Shoulder In. The move is a valuable gymnastic if we understand the athletic demand and the conditions where the horse benefits from the gymnastics exercise.

June 25. Half Pass on the Circle or Large Pirouette. Half Pass on the circle can be beneficial to engage the hind legs and enhance the horse’s balance. Gymnastics is effective if we understand the forward transmission of the outside hind leg’s thrust forward through the thoracolumbar spine and associated rotation. When our mind “visualizes” the athletic demand, our physique can assist the horse in his mental processing.

July 25. Circle Bend to the Outsice, CBO. Many trainers have used the Circle Bend to the Outside, but the move has never become a dressage movement. The reason is that the Science behind classical literature does not permit understanding the benefits of gymnastic exercise. The move creates a contradiction, and the compensation for the contradiction benefits the horse. The study guides you step by step through the mastery of the CBO.

August 25. Canter Departure. The quality of the Canter Departure opens, years later, the door for the Tempi One Series. It is primordial to coordinate efficiently the horse’s physique for the athletic demand of the Canter Departure.

September 25. Counter Canter. If properly executed, the counter canter can be a valuable gymnastic for the horse’s thoracolumbar column.

October 25. Single Flying Change. The single flying change is the portal for the Tempi Two and Tempi One series. Understanding the single flying change’s athletic demand and coordinating the horse’s physique for the effort is primordial.

November 25. Harmonic Tensegrity. Force vectors dictate morphological outcomes, metabolism, and the physiology of all bio-systems. Humans and Equines are biotensegrity structures. Harmonic tensegrity allows efficient interaction of forces with the horse.

December 25, The Hands. We spend the first five years of our riding career learning how to use our hands and the next seventy-five years learning to use our whole physique instead.

Special emphasis is made on the “Meditation Practice” on the Shoulder In and the Half Pass as they are more intensively used gymnastic exercises. The “Mediation” will be addressed with each gymnastics exercise.

Practical Application to Jumping. The practical application of jumping is discussed in each publication.

A jumper is an athlete like a Dressage horse. The athletic demand for jumping performance is specific. While many aspects of horse education can help jumper athletes, there are differences demanding an advanced understanding of the horse’s body function for the specific demand for jumping performances. The horse’s style, in particular, needs to be respected and improved and not be altered to fit a stereotype. We will address the specific athletic demands of jumping performance in every subject discussed in the course.

The Second Monthly Publication is “Science,” By Elizabeth Uhl, DVM, PhD, Dip, ACVP

January 25. How Biotensegrity Changes Everything

February 25, The Architecture of Life is Tension Based

March 25. Sensing Forces, The Sixth Sense

April 25. Why are Joints such a Funny Shape?

May 25. How Biotensegrity Embodies the Brain

June 25. Controlling the Force

July 25. Is Tension Always Bad?

August 25. Joining Forces Part One

September 25. How do Horses and Riders Coordinate their Movements?

October 25. In Preparation

November 25. In preparation

December 25. In Preparation

Discussions, Weekly When a new Scientific discovery is presented, or questions make us realize that we need to explain a subject in further detail. We, the members of the SOM Team, post about subjects of particular interest.

The Training of a Young Horse. Bi-Weekly. Devina D’Or is now a sport horse. You assisted her daily introduction to the saddle, the lunge, the work in hand, and the backing. Devina now commences her education as a riding horse. Bi-weekly, you will follow her education.

The Master One 25 Forum

The forum continue on the same basis as in 2024. You can ask questions and send videos for analysis.

Conditions and Fee.

The fee for the Master One Course remains $60.00 per month.

Master One 25 starts officially in January 2025. You will have to renew the inscription for 2025.

Master One 24 will continue until December 2024.


The young horses’ program. Daily videos

Young horses are capable of sophisticated metal processing. Intelligently challenged, their brain learns to work in harmony with humans. By contrast, a young horse’s brain learns protective resistance when forced to obey.

Rubaux is three years old. He will be four in 2025. Donato is two yerars old. He will be three this coming year. Karyn Meserve bred both horses. The young horse program shows in daily videos, one day Rubaux, and the other day Donato, how intelligence, respect, and gentleness can educate young horses.

Rubaux will learn how to lunge, be introduced to the work in hand, the saddle, athletically developed, and, when athletically ready, Rubaux will learn how to carry a rider efficiently.

Donato will learn the Science of Motion’s work in hand, which is much more sophisticated than walking by the horse’s side. The process creates situations that make Donato comfortable, with my body moving gradually from his head to his back, where the saddle would be. He will feel and respond to my nuances in muscle tone. I will direct his mental processing toward greater control of his physique. The Biotensegrity approach differs from the usual obedience techniques. I will guide his mental processing toward efficient physique coordination by asking the right questions. I will create situations, cadence, frequency, balance, and body alignment likely to guide his mental processing toward efficient physique coordination.

Talking about Science is one thing. Applying Science is another dimension. The Young Horse Program explains how a young horse’s education can be done through gentle and friendly partnerships.

This option is referred to as “Master One Plus.” The fee is $75.00 per month. $60 Master One, $15 The young horse’s program

Jean Luc Cornille. Science of Motion   CLICK HERE FOR MASTER 1 PLUS