The Naked Truth
Videos are brief parts from the IHTC In-Hand dressage therapy online Course text below brief part of 1st video
The Naked Truth
Dr. Betsy Uhl and I were like two kids all excited by the new model of equine vertebral column. The model is the exact copy of a real vertebral column. The details are amazing. With her professional eye, Betsy pointed out the wear and tears that can be seen on the articular processes were the main back muscles insert. In this area, the muscles are short and there is not much movements. However, the forces exerted by the muscles on the bone insertions are so considerable that the bones show severe irregularities.
This plain contradicts proponents of relaxation, stretching and swinging back theories. The waspish ghosts of theological thinking want you to believe that the equine thorcolumbar spine is a flexible and swinging unit where muscles stretch with great compliance and elasticity. The truth is there in front of your eyes, naked to the bones. The horse’s thoracolumbar spine is submitted to considerable forces. Proper functioning can’t be achieved with utopic stretching theories. Proper functioning of the equine thoracolumbar column demands precise and subtle orchestration of numerous, diversified and intense contractions and compensatory contractions.
On this sequence, the camera follows the direction of the main back muscles from their attachment on the dorsal spines to their insertion on the articular processes. Going forward, oblique and down are the fascicles of the longissimus dorsi system. Going backward, oblige and down are the fascicles of the multifidus system. The fact that the main back muscles are inserted and working in opposite explains why shifts of the rider’s weight are hampering the horse’s ability to coordinate his back muscles efficiently.
Jean Luc Cornille