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Jan 28

  posted by PJ Tymann   from United States on 28.01.12 09:37

great article. do you think 'Arnica' is as effective as some of the other pain relief gels out there? I have my doubts. It seems to me that the liniments with menthol and eucalyptus work as well or better than arnica based products such as 'Sore no More'


comments (1)


[ posted by Susan, 28.01.12 12:05 ]

Hey PJ - I do like sore-no-more for distinct issues - a sore muscle, it definitely helped my pony deal with her connective tissue disorder (chronic suspensory ligamnet desmitis) as I used it in conjunction with ultra-sound therapy to break down the scar tissue surrounding her damaged ligaments but the bracing effect of the menthol linaments is great after a hard work out. Thanks for taking the time to comment.


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