Continuing education of half pass. Also introduction to the walk pirouette shoulders around the haunches. Sometimes the bending is incorrect, other times the transversal rotation is wrong. At other moments Chazot is close. He is exploring his body with his usual spirit and opinions. At one moment a big fly bothers him. Another time he blows up because he is full of energy. You may observe that the reins are long. It is a total utopia to believe that contact on the bit gives control. In fact if you watch the horse carefully you will observe that the moments where his body functions at its best is when he barely touches the bit. Jean Luc
contact me at for information on the IHTC program03.04.22
I am interested in learning this information.03.04.22
thank you13.10.19
Please email Helyn at helyn@scienceofmotion.com07.12.18
Looking for advice on inhand therapy07.12.18
My horse is a soon to be 16 year old pinto X Arabian gelding cross. ...04.04.15
Hello, about the horse whos elbow jabbed his ribcage what work corrected the problem? Thank ...04.10.12
Thank you Susan...I do love my family and way of life. I know I am ...14.05.11
What a paradise for these two grand horses - regardless of which side of the ...14.05.11