Monthly Archives: DECEMBER 2009Dec 31
Dec 29 December 29, 2009 It was not long ago that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced a proposal to euthanize some 30,000 wild horses that they have stockpiled in federal holding facilities, due to budget constraints. This overstock of horses is a result of years of gathering more wild horses from the range than the agency could successfully place through their adoption program. Rather than discontinuing the round ups, and implementing proven "in the wild” management solutions, the BLM is marching forward to the beat of the same old drum. Return to Freedom (www.returntofreedom.org) served as a resource for attorneys hired by In Defense of Animals (IDA). Despite legal efforts, on Monday, December 28th, the BLM began a massive, 2 month long round up of over 2500 wild horses from the Calico Complex in North Western Nevada. This round up will take place in the dead of winter, and will drive the ... full
Dec 29 Human-equine "predator-prey" relationship exploredposted by helyn on 29.12.09 19:26 as General FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New Report Documents the Faulty Science of "Predator-Prey” Relationship Between Humans and Horses Colorado Springs, CO (December 14, 2009) — When she realized Mark was being too agressive with her filly, Dale Rose of Brandon, Mississippi got creative. Rose "gave” the teenager an imaginary glove to gentle his touch. "Then,” says the Wind Child Farm owner, "it became beautiful to watch.” Whereas many trainers would have corrected the teen by telling him that humans scare horses because we’re their natural predators, Rose thinks "the predator-prey construct is at best a wobbly allegory” that needs serious revision. An article released today by the non-profit research and education organization Tapestry Institute says she’s right. The predator-prey model of horse-human relationship has the reputation of being science-based and therefore reliable. But Dr. Dawn Adrian, Tapestry’s Senior Scientist, says it’s not good science. Adrian, whose Ph.D. in Paleobiology is from UC Berkeley, says, "Humans do eat ... full
Dec 23 Missing Mare – LARGE reward!posted by helyn on 23.12.09 16:56 as Yes, winning is not everything. $4000 cash reward for return of Thoroughbred mare HILL CITY MISS. She is a dark bay 2004 mare with a star on her forehead. She has no other white markings. Her tattoo # is H15828. She was adopted from New Vocations in January, 2008, by a small breeder in Umatilla, Florida, who has now admitted to selling her and violating the terms of the adoption agreement. She may have been sold for a polo pony but the original adopter doesn’t have any contact information in regards to the person who purchased her. Please help us find this mare. Pictures are attached. Contact Mary Johnson at 614-565-9400
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Dec 17 When was the last time you were up close and personal with a piece of exercise equipment or a pair of running shoes? Does the thought of going for a 5 mile run make you realize that you have spent way too much time on the couch this past winter? If your horse could talk it would probably share your sentiments in regard to jumping right into a long exercise outing when it has spent the past several months lounging near the round bale, getting a hay belly, and becoming unfit. Some people think that conditioning a horse is a mystical process. Keeping in mind that a horse has much more in common with us human beings than with a motorcycle or four-wheeler, will help to remove a lot of the mystery from the conditioning process. Why should we be concerned about our horses’ fitness levels as we beginning riding them after their long winter off? Horses, like humans, ... full
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