posted by Jeannie from United States on 15.02.11 02:56
Hi Chazot. You're one lucky guy to have JL as your human. I spent my first 5 years at my breeder's spacious farm, where I had the important job of raising weanlings.....but I wanted more. Boy was I shocked upon starting my new life in the confusing human world after my breeder 'abandoned' me with my new human (Jeannie). I got lucky though. I had no idea how to communicate at the time and she didn't seem to understand my hissy fits (I can't imagine why!) but she tried so hard to understand me. I finally figured out how to tell her things and it's helped us both in the past 6 years together. I'm like your friend, Manchester, as I think more methodically and lay awake at night trying to figure out things. While Jeannie easily understood her old friend of 20 years (a quick thinking hot you), she's worked very hard to understand my sensitivities and way of thinking. I'd love to meet your human (JL). I'll bet he could translate so many things I want to say! If you let him come out to visit me in the Pacific NW, I promise I'll send him back to you!
Thank you,
'Imperial Phantom' the elegant Morgan!
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