Knowledge a la Carte
Each horse is different and many times over, I have wished that needed information would be concentrated into a single study. Instead, since scientific findings are always influenced by the specific angle of the investigative technique, I had to read several papers from the same study, finding each time, two sentences or at the best one paragraph directly related to the subject.
This wish inspired the concept
“Knowledge a la Carte”
Short studies providing history of the scientific research, explanation and practical application of pertinent and specific subjects.
Click on the article you would like to buy. These are PDF and Powerpoint files. Once you make the payment via Paypal
you will be sent to the page to open and save your file.
The Side Effects of Lunging by Jean Luc Cornille Powerpoint
Even the most benign medication has side effects. Aspirin for instance, may upset one’s stomach. Curiously, while the advantages of lungeing are often promoted, the negative effects are rarely addressed. It is evidently considered safer to have a horse bucking with excessive energy at the end of the lunge line, than under saddle. The damages created by extended lungeing sessions, however, are severe and definitively need to be exposed.
(Download free powerpoint viewer HERE) This also has video of lungeing $22.95
Both the powerpoint and the CD have a video sequence showing a way of lungeing that minimizes the stress on the limbs and vertebral column structures.
Purchase A DVD of The Effects of Lunging $70.00 plus shipping
Stretching and Relaxation Myth and Reality by Jean Luc Cornille $9.95
The myths suggest that as the horse lowers his neck, the upper neck muscles stretch while relaxing. But in reality, the upper neck muscles elongate as well as support the burden of the head and neck, which is as much as 10% of the horse’s body weight. Hence, they do not stretch and relax, but work in active stretching, i.e., eccentric contraction.
Reflections On The Rollkur $9.95
Obviously, the relationship between neck posture and vertebral column's mechanism is more a mater of opinion than scientific documentation. Twenty five thousand, seven hundred and thirty six opinions later, the question:"what does the Rollkur do to horses,"remains unanswered. Olympic riders are winning practicing this technique and therefore anyone anxious to win feels that over-flexing the horse's neck is the price of winning.
Lowering Of The Neck, Work of the Nuchal Ligament by Jean Luc Cornille $9.95
Instead of upgrading their equestrian education to the quality level of their horses, riders and trainers practicing the hyperflexion of the upper neck are downgrading their horses to ultimate domination by placing their horse in a situation where they have physically no way out.
Increased Weight On The Forelegs by Jean Luc Cornille $9.95
The horse’s head weighs approximately 10% of the horse’s body weight. Therefore, a 1200 pounds athlete carries 120 pounds at the end of his neck. The burden lessens as the head is carried high approaching the verticality of the shoulders. By contrast, the burden increases as the neck is held in a longer position.