Science Of Motion®

  Advanced Horsemanship Equine

Equine Biotensegrity

Jean Luc Cornille, Dr Elizabeth Uhl, Dr Michelle Osborn, Dr. Gian Piero Brigati, and Helyn Cornille

Start date Jan 2nd 2025




In-Hand Dressage Training Course



Purchase Shoulder-In

online video

Half-Pass online video

and PDF

now available to purchase




The Equine Navicular Apparatus as a Premier Enthesis Organ: Functional Implications" authored by Osborn, Michelle; Cornille, Jean Luc; Blas-Machado, Uriel; Uhl, Elizabeth has been accepted for publication in Veterinary Surgery, under the category Review, based on scientific content and value.




Equine Rider Training Programs


 Horse & Rider Training

horse and rider biomechanics

"The horse’s physique is a piece of art. It deserves respect and knowledge."

Jean Luc Cornille

Jean Luc Cornille

"Trainer of Trainers"

Equine Ergonomics

Maitre (Master)from the Cadre Noir de Saumur

"Lightness is not the bit. Lightness is perfect control of forces and therefore balance. Lightness is efficiency and efficiency in the horse is lightness. "Jean Luc Cornille

in hand dressage online therapy course

Horse Trainer-Author-Clinician-Lecturer

Dressage-Jumpers-3 Day Eventers


Horse Training DVD's and Videos

In hand Therapy Courses


Specializes in Lameness issues


The Practical Application Of Science In Training The Horse

"Knowledge Evolves"

There is a better way

JLC Method

Soundness Equals Performance



A New Approach To Lameness


In-Hand Dressage Training Course

When you enter the IHTC, you feel that you are one century ahead of all other programs. But when you realize that the IHTC program is about the practical application of actual knowledge, you take conscience that the other programs are indeed, one century behind. 

In-hand dressage work with horses



The In Hand Biomechanics Therapy Course

A zest of classicism and a large body of science.

A  course of Corrective Biomechanics.

In Hand biomechanics Therapy Course (IHTC) is designed for therapists anxious to further their knowledge as well as riders/trainers interested in extending their ability to reeducate horses and prevent injuries. IHTC provides both, knowledge and the practical application of knowledge.

“In Hand Technique” – “Equine biomechanics and corrective biomechanics” – “Case study”


Information on Work In-Hand dressage course 



IHTC In hand therapy Testimonials

Work in-hand with correct equine biomechanics



About Jean Luc Cornille

equine DVDs books



Jean Luc's competitive career is as distinguished as it is diversified. Competing at national and international levels in dressage, steeplechase, stadium jumping and three-day events, he has won extensively in all specialties collecting several gold, silver and bronze medals. Notably, Jean Luc won the individual and team gold medal at the military world championship of Fontainebleau in 1975. In 1971, he won silver at the world championship of Punchestown. The following year, he was member of the winning team at Bokello. However, Jean Luc feels that his greatest success lies in his ability to intuit the physical and mental condition of each horse the day after their victories.


A 1968 graduate of the Equestrian Military School, Le Cadre Noir de Saumur, Jean Luc received intensive training from Joseph Neckerman, Willy Schulteis and Hans Gunter Winkler. In 1972 and 1976, respectively, he worked closely with Michel Cochenet to prepare two Olympic teams for the national three-day event. Margit Otto Crepin, the French and Olympic Champion, is one of Jean Luc's most prominent dressage students.


Moving to the U.S. as dressage trainer for the 1984 Los Angeles Olumpic jumping team gold Gold medal, Melanie Smith at Windrush Farm, Jean Luc subsequently founded E. A. 21 in Orange, Virginia, from which he began an extensive program of clinics and seminars throughout the U.S. and Canada. His work has concentrated on applying the latest biomechanical research to redefine traditional approaches to equine training. It was here that Jean Luc also discovered a strong connection to the rehabilitation of lame horses. He has successfully rehabilitated such severe disabilities as navicular syndrome, contracted tendons, degenerative joint disease, and upward fixation of the patella, as well as cases of obscure and idiopathic lameness.


Jean Luc began his publishing career in 1982 with a series of articles in the French equestrian magazine L’Eperon. His writing credits also include the U.S. magazines Dressage and CT and The Chronicle of the Horse. He continues to share his research and knowledge through clinics and lectures, and as founder of Science Of Motion. He is currently working on a series of text books and educational videos, that will discuss and explore his findings to date. To that end, he has published a series of articles on biomechanics, a video exploring the subject of appling recent scientific discoveries to equine athletes' education.


The computer age allows a more advanced understanding of the horse’s gaits and performance than previously known. Computers also have made the knowledge available to everyone. After decades of research and successful application of scientific discoveries, Jean Luc feels that time has come to take advantage of this modern technology by letting everyone have access to be able to apply these discoveries. Thereby, horses can be efficiently prepared for the effort; gait abnormalities can be discerned before they became injuries; and, performance difficulties can be analyzed down to their source. There is a way to educate horses which rises from one’s heart and intelligence. There is undoubtedly a more subtle, more ethical, effective and better way. It is a prime opportunity that will lead Olympic caliber riders to the upper echelon of the podium. It will offer other riders an even greater victory, Beyond and between the shows is the quality of the daily life with the horses, the faculty of preparing them efficiently and keeping them mentally and physically sound until their golden age.


The Science of Motion® is a new approach to therapy, which, instead of treating the pathological changes, (the damages) is addressing the kinematics abnormalities causing the pathological changes. It would seem at first that the approach would be essentially preventive, but the successes of the therapeutic approach into fields where other therapies were ineffective underline the capacity of the horse’s physique to heal efficiently or, as it is the case with kissing spine, to live with the problem, as long as the source of the abnormal stress has been corrected.

Every horse moves differently and since none move perfectly, especially with a rider on their back, even minor defects in gait can eventually result in lameness. As with human athletes, careful analysis of how a horse moves and the use of an individualized training program can both enhance performance and rehabilitate injuries, including those resulting in chronic lamenesses. The Science of Motion is a new approach to training and therapy, which is based upon identifying and correcting the specific gait abnormalities inherent in each horse. This approach was developed by Jean Luc Cornille, an international level Three-Day Event rider and trainer, who has extensively studied equine movement. His skill, experience and research has allowed him to perfect methods that can be used to correct the imperfections of gait that inhibit a horse from reaching its full athletic potential and often lead to lameness. The approach developed as the Science of Motion has been successfully utilized to rehabilitate many different chronic disabilities including severe cases of navicular disease and kissing spine.



A gifted horse will lead a good rider to victory.

A great rider will give to the horse the gift of soundness.

Jean Luc Cornille


Are you happy with your horse riding experience?






Science of Motion®


  Biomechanics of the Horse

Pratical Application Of Science

The authority-pleasing, question-suppressing, rule-following approach is wasting the athletic abilities of talented horses and gifted riders. Modern science exposes the horse’s vertebral column structure and function in details previously unknown. With this knowledge in mind, the rider’s feeling can lead the horse’s education toward unprecedented achievements.

”Study the science of art and the art of science.”

 (Leonardo da Vinci)


 Leonardo da Vincy (1452-1519) was a gifted rider.

 Da vinci horse 

His legacy goes beyond the Sforza equestrian model.


Science Of Motion FB page allabout horses


In two sentences, the Renaissance’s Master launches modern riders and trainers on the path of success:


“All our knowledge has its origin in our perceptions.”

 (Leonardo da Vinci)


“Be sure you know the structure of all you wish to depict.”

(Leonardo da Vinci)





There is a lot to learn from, re-educating a horse

A recent ad about how difficult it is to quit smoking states that the failure is not on the part of the individual but rather, the system has failed the individual. Since I do not smoke I cannot judge the veracity of the advertising. However, the concept is definitively accurate when it comes to a horse’s injury. In most instances, it is not the rider who failed the horse but rather it is the system which failed both horse and rider.


There is a lot to learn from the re-education of damaged horses simply because the re-education is exactly that which, if done initially, would have allowed the horse to perform to his full potential and remain sound. In many instances, soundness could be restored, and horses could return to a successful life. Very few though, are given a chance because it is difficult for the rider to face the thought that one may have caused the problem. The guilt is misplaced. In most instances, it is not one’s skill or lack of skill that lead the horse to lameness but rather the system that emphasizes riding and training principles unrelated to the horse’s physiology.

James Crook wrote, “A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd”.  Once again, the metaphor applies to the horse. The system wants you to believe that equine athletic performances can be enhanced by increasing the amplitude of the horse vertebral column’s movements. In reality, while in motion, the range of movement of the equine spine is very limited and the primary function of the back muscles is precisely to protect the vertebral column’s structure from any amplitude of movements which would exceed the vertebral column’s possible range of motion. Efficiency is not about greater amplitude of vertebral column movements but rather better orchestration of numerous but minuscule muscle contractions and compensatory contractions.

When a horse is crippled as a result of having been trained deep and low, and heavily on the forehand, soundness cannot be restored by working the horse lower and more forward. The problem is that by questioning the theory, one stands against the crowd.  The thought might be scary at first, but after all, if one truly likes music, it is more pleasant to face and direct skilled artists that are creating the music than to face a crowd that is quick to criticize but does not have any idea on how to play the violin. 

The horse is a skilled artist, which by nature and also by intelligence enjoys using his physique. Comfort is a main concern of the horse’s self preservation instinct and performing at ease is naturally more attractive for the horse than under painful constraints. If one truly loves the horse, the pleasure of a performance achieved in great harmony and ease and accuracy and soundness, is unmatchable even if the blue ribbon goes to someone going faster, riding a horse addicted to anti-inflammatories and hyaluronic acid.     


Molly Ivins says, The first rule of holes: When you’re in one, stop digging”. Walter Zettl wrote, “Ride your horse into heaven and not into the ground”. When your horse is in the hole, stop digging his grave. Heaven is higher and I do not refer solely to the neck posture but also to the rider’s standards. Look at what needs to be done to allow a horse once driven into a hole to breathe again and you will understand how to educate your horse in the first place.


Judging standards, riding principles, training techniques, books, practical application of scientific findings, and panel discussions all follow the thought that the horse’s lower line, which includes abdominal, pectoral, and neck muscles,  flexes the horse’s upper line, the vertebral column and surrounding muscles. We have explored instead the thought suggested by Richard Tucker and James Rooney, as well as that in the works of Leo Jeffcott, Jean Marie Denoix, Kevin Haussler and many others. Also considered were the researches based on dynamics models that were executed by Anton J. van den Bogert and many others. The working hypothesis was that while the muscles of the horse’s lower line are definitively involved in locomotion and athletic achievements, their influence on the horse’s vertebral column are elementary, and therefore ill adapted to the sophistication required by modern performances. Instead, the muscular system situated directly above the vertebral bodies has the capacity to orchestrate the vertebral column mechanism at a higher level of sophistication.


This muscular system is extremely complex and cannot be efficiently influenced by acting, at one end on the engagement of the hind legs, and at the other end on the neck posture. It was then necessary to figure how the rider could access and influence the horse’s vertebral column’s biomechanical properties. The Science of Motion response comes by combining an actual understanding of the vertebral column mechanism and the teaching of great masters. The biokinematics of the equine vertebral column, and consequently the kinematics of the limbs, (quality of the gaits) and the horse’s ability to perform at its utmost potential, while remaining sound, can be influenced by the biomechanical properties of the rider’s vertebral column.

This is a fundamentally new approach and of course like everything new, we are encountering panic and heavy resistance. Panic results from the fact that the most aggressive opponents know deep in their mind of the short cuts of their beliefs and their application and are afraid to face the thought that they might have to evolve. The response to skepticism is the horse’s soundness. Correct orchestration of the horse vertebral column properties not only allows the horse to perform better and remain sound, but re-educations once not even considered are now truly possible. Lameness issues that cannot be solved through traditional and alternative therapies can be resolved by acting on the source of all body movements, the horse’s vertebral column.

We document these impossible re-educations and publish the documentation in DVD format once the re-education has been successfully completed. The DVDs contain pertinent but proven information. The horse was lame and the horse is now sound. The horse was a mediocre mover and turns into a world class athlete. The horse cannot piaff and he does. The horse cannot jump the water and he jumps the water. There is no cure for kissing spine and the ‘kissing spine’ horse returns to normal life and performances.



From the wisdom of Centuries to modern day’s theories, flexing the horse’s upper line, or vertebral column, is achieved by shortening the horse’s lower line, involving abdominal muscles, pectoral muscles, and flexion of the neck.


In 1946, E. J. Slijper proposed the “bow and string” metaphor in which the horse’s vertebral column is the bow that can be flexed, thereby increasing the tension of the string, which is composed of abdominal and  pectoral muscles, and those of the limbs. Later Dr Deb. Bennet focused on muscles named “scalenus” that are situated at the junction between the thoracic and cervical vertebrae. The scalenus muscles connect the string to the bow and the “bow and string” concept become the “ring of muscles.”

Every principle of riding which emphasis flexion of the back through engagement of the hind legs at one end, and flexion of the neck at the other, are based on the “bow and string” or “ring of muscles” concepts.


In 1964, Richard Tucker initiated new studies of the equine vertebral column from the perspective of the forces which act upon the vertebral linkage. The polish scientist introduced the thought that the muscles attached on the vertebral bodies and their dorsal spinous processes were the superior mechanism of balance control.  These muscles are directly involved in the capacity of the horse’s vertebral column to convert the thrust generated by the hind legs into forward motion (horizontal forces), and resistance to gravity and by consequent balance control (vertical forces). The pertinent evolution is that instead of resulting from overall flexion and extension of the spine, the management of the thrust generated by the hind legs is effectuated at the level of each vertebra.  “An initial thrust on the column is translated into a series of predominantly vertical and horizontal forces which diminish progressively as they pass from one vertebra to the next” (Richard Tucker, 1964) .





One Hand on His Shoulder

(It is now a classic)

dressage training videos

The most extraordinary in hand performance ever produced.

This is the masterpiece

The Performances, the Pictures, the Script, the Philosophy,

the Humor, the Music, the Relationship Between the Horse and the Man.

You don't need to be a horse person to love this production.

This is about beauty, friendship and art.

"I started the work in hand as a scientific experiment. The purpose was to see if a horse trained to always coordinate his body for the performance was capable to coordinate his physique by himself when a rider was asking for the movement. Knowing that as long as I will be on the saddle I will unconsciously help the horse, the thought was that such help would be impossible in hand. The horse, and all other horses after him, redirected the experiment toward a very different direction. The horse taught me as he will to everyone watching this video, a totally new equestrian philosophy."

 Jean Luc Cornille   


Love the harmony and cherished relationship your videos bring to viewers. One hand on shoulder, wow! The gesture is so simple and yet so full of trust and love and shared being in the moment. Thank you! George Buggs

One Hand On His Shoulder” is an amazing bit of fresh air. Breaking with tradition Jean Luc Cornille demonstrates, with great intellect and humor, just how much the horse can teach the humans with which they interact. With grace and artistry Mr. Cornille presents his work in-hand with Lafayette clearly showing that so much more can be accomplished if we accept and listen to the horse. A lovely video that brings back the art of horsemanship and has certainly inspired me to listen more and demand less of each horse I work with. Susan Hopf



In the Series

Educating your Eye,


We are proud to present


"The Horse Who Could Not Trot” 

Biomechanics of lameness in horses


English and French Version




Beyond Expectations


“It is hoped that consideration of the normal system will illumine the abnormal as well as the abnormal illumining the normal.”

 (James R. Rooney, Biomechanics of lameness in horses, 1969)


At first the Science of Motion concentrated on better performances. Then, friends, who were also desperate horse owners, pleaded to explore the thought that addressing the source of the problem, the horse’s vertebral column, could also help solving unsolvable lameness.


Studying the abnormal illuminated the normal; the very same technique that recreated soundness, unveiled gaits and performances previously out of reach. 

Beyond Expectations: Navicular syndrome and beyond.                                                                     

(Case Study)


Dominique (1969 - 2005) Click Image


navicular syndrome

 At age 17, Dominique was diagnosed with navicular syndrome. Previous to the disease, Dominique had great difficulties to perform tempi changes. He was executing a short series of three or four changes and then needed several canter strides before he was able to execute another short series.


Soon, heavy lameness rendered the problem irrelevant.


Interestingly, the technique applied to restore soundness allowed the horse, once soundness was recreated, to perform with great ease, long series of tempi changes.


Beyond Expectations: The horse who would not jump the water

(case Study)


The horse had the scope to fly over a Grand Prix jumping course but had also developed an “attitude” toward water jumps. In fact the behavior was categorical. The horse refused purely and simply to jump the water.


Now, the horse does fly effortlessly over the water. The behavior was in fact due to muscle pain. Strong back muscle imbalance was inducing pain upon landing of long and low jumps such as the river. Addressing the back muscle imbalance, and consequently suppressing the feeling of pain associated with the landing of the water jump was enough to change the horse’s mind about jumping the water.



The video was the first attempt over the water after reeducation

Click On Photo For Video


training equine jumpers

Some horses can recover from irreversible problems because the issues were irreversible until someone found the solution. Other horses may unveil outstanding performances because the outstanding performances were within their potential all along but their talent was altered by training techniques ill-adapted to their physique, or temperament, or both.


Beyond Expectations: A case of kissing spine.

(Case Study)

Biomechanics of the horse


While recently, new surgical techniques are offering a solution to the problem of “Kissing Spine,” The aftermaths of invasive surgery are raising serious questions by comparison to a non-invasive approach that only take a few months.



This horse was diagnosed with kissing spine between L4 and L5. As a result of the pain related to the situation, the horse had developed serious behavior problems. The kissing spine situation was approached addressing the back muscle imbalance that placed the spine into damaging alignment. The reeducation was fully done in motion. It was physical therapy.

Click On Photo for Video


equine kissing spine

It took three months for the horse to realize that he was working pain free. His bad behavior vanished as the comfortable working attitude became consistent. Within six months the horse was kindly, happily, and beautifully working. He was ready to go home.


The Abnormal Illuminating The Normal


During his reeducation, the horse was absolutely unable to deal with a firm contact on the bit. He was also reacting strongly and angrily to any shift of the rider’s weight. Basically, the horse was unable to deal with the most common concept of modern equitation, “driving the horse onto the bit.” The fact that a horse with a particularly sensitive vertebral column structure cannot deal with the concept of “driving the horse onto the bit” raises pertinent questions about the riding technique. Could it be that the concept alters as well the vertebral column mechanism of normal horses even if they have enough strength and stoicism to live with it?

The observation was not unique to this horse. Whatever the horse’s issue, kissing spine, stifle problem, navicular syndrome, the two perquisites for all reeducations achieved at the center have always been and are always reducing the pressure that the horse is exerting on the bit and placing the rider in authentic balance.


Heavy contact on the bit and shifts of the rider’s weight are drastically altering all horses’ ability to function soundly.


Both, advanced scientific studies and classical authors fault the driving aids. “The methods used in equestrian art are numerous and varied. Some people have been able to sum them up succinctly and picturesquely in the formula: “Push and Pull,” but no great profit, obviously, can be derived from this sally.” (General Decarpentry, Academic Equitation, 1949)

The horse’ vertebral column functions within the limits of a very limited range of motion.

“Thus the total range of movement in the dorso-ventral directions of the equine back was only 53,1 mm under these experimental conditions.” (Leo B. Jeffcott, Natural Rigidity of the horse’s backbone, 1980. Equine vet J. 1980, 12 (3), 101-108)


Gaits and performances cannot be enhanced increasing the horse’s vertebral column’s range of movement. The primary function of the back muscles during walking is to control the stiffening of the back rather than to create movement.” (Hans Carlson, (1979) Back muscles are preeminently designed to protect the vertebral column from movements exceeding its possible range of motion.

Hans Carlson experiment was initially effectuated on cats. The fact helps to understand the true meaning of the word “stiffening.” The Swedish author does not think about stiff protective reflex contraction, as the equestrian language would interpret the word, but rather increase in muscle tone.


Both, the horse and the cat absorb the impact of a heavy landing resisting excessive arching of the vertebral column stimulated by gravity. The muscular resistance induces at the next instant, a flexion of the thoracolumbar spine.

Beyond Expectations:

From mediocre gaits to world class movement.


(Case Study)

Equine Biomechanics

 Outstanding gaits and performances, and soundness, can be achieved by enhancing the subtle orchestration of numerous and minuscule back muscles’ contractions that are creating the horse’s movement.


The practical application of this concept is demonstrated here

From mediocre gaits to world class movement (click photo for video)


He is a 18.1 hand superb athlete moving like a Shetland pony. The paradox has been created driving the horse onto the bit. The abnormality has been corrected orchestrating properly the multiple and minute muscles contraction creating the work of the horse’s vertebral column.


Watching the transformation one might think with skepticism: “how the horse’s vertebral column can create such forelimbs movement?” The answer is in actual knowledge of the equine physiology.


 CD Book

What is the Science of Motion®

Transversal Rotations in the Equine Vertebral Column.

  by Jean Luc Cornille

(In this study, the terms "Axial" and "Transversal" have the same meaning.) 


Lateral bending of the equine vertebral column is always associated with a movement of transversal rotation. As well, axial rotation is always coupled with lateral bending. "In the cervical and thoracic vertebral column, rotation is always coupled with lateroflexion and vice versa." (Jean Marie Denoix, Spinal biomechanics and functional anatomy, 1999).


For the same lateral bending, two rotations are possible. One iscorrect, predisposing the horse to efficient use of his physique. The other one is inverted creating stresses and strains on the vertebral structures and consequently protective reflex contraction of the surrounding muscles.


Many riding and training principles, which have been conceived prior this knowledge, are unconsciously creating inverted rotation. These principles are ultimately hampering the horses' potential.

From the history of the scientific research to the practical application into riding and training principles, this abundantly illustrated study shows and explains how proper and inverted rotations look like, feel like, and can be corrected by appropriated riding techniques and gymnastic exercises 

A gifted horse will lead a good rider to victory. A great rider will give to the horse the gift of soundness. Jean Luc Cornille Copyright©2010







Horse, rider training, in hand dressage, Courses, equine biomechanics, clinics, lectures,dressage, jumpers, lameness and behavior issues.



Science Of Motion|® is proud to offer direct USA/Canada distribution

for the Macel Dressage Samba saddles & complete line.

USA & Canada

Click for information Macel

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macel saddles

Our Canada Macel Saddles Distribitor

Dynamic Unity

Tiffany Nanchin


Videos On Demand

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The Making Of Chazot

One Hand On His Shoulder


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Flipbooks bookcase

dressage for soundness

SOM 2020 International Conference at



October 3rd



Jean Luc Cornille M.A,

Dr Betsy Uhl D.V.M., Ph.D., DACVP

Michelle Osborn Ph.D.,

Dr. Gian Pierro Brigati DVM

Patrick Fesquet

international equine biomechanics

dressage for soundness

horse evaluations

In hand therapy online course

equine biomechanics

horse science






Soundness Creates Beauty

equine vertebral column

equine vertebral column




Equine Ergonomics


work in progress

horse training


dressage horse trainer


dressage for soundness


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 Jean Luc's Training clinics

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Science Of Motion Farm


370 Crooked Creek Road



(also private lessons)




Dynamic Unity











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  Our Newsletter

"Imagination was given to man to compensate for what he is not, and sense of humor to console him for what he is." (Unknown)

In an equestrian world where opinions allow very little room for knowledge and humor, this newsletter is an Island. Anyone walking on the sand of a new Isle will explore the new world and discover than in fact the Island is a peninsula leading to a better world.   Click HERE for newsletter page.


Analysis of your horse




Therapy Through Motion

(A division of the Science of Motion.)




Horse Education & Training DVD's




The Making Of Chazot


horse training books



equine kissing spine

navicular in horse

Lunging with tradition (Decarpentry) and Modern Science (Science Of Motion) DVD




Buy Equine Books

Horse Books by Jean Luc Cornille


Transversal Rotations in the Equine Vertebral Column

Transversal Rotations in the Equine Vertebral Column

Many riding and training principles, which have been conceived prior to this knowledge, are unconsciously creating inverted rotation. These principles are ultimately hampering the horse’s potential and placing the horse’s soundness in jeopardy. For instance, two schools of thought are commonly emphasized in relation to lateral bending. One school advises advancing the rider’s inside hip toward the horse’s vertebral column while looking in the direction of the movement. This technique is stimulating the wrong rotation. The move of the rider’s pelvis toward the horse’s medial line is shifting the horse’s dorsal spines toward the outside of the bend inducing inverted rotation

Click HERE for book





The Side Effects of Lunging


side effects of lunging

Renowned author and advocate for equine health, Jean Luc Cornille, sorts facts from fiction about lungeing in this profound, 53-page, illustrated book. Cornille explains with crystal clarity the severity of damages incurred by extended sessions. A must for every trainer, rider, and anyone that has ever loved a horse! Click Here for Book (Preview availible)

Practical Application of the Most Recent Discoveries on the Biomechanics of the Horse’s Vertebral Column

Biomechanics of the Horse’s Vertebral Column

This book is a new encyclopedia. It explains how the horse’s vertebral column actually works. Each pertinent finding is explored from the rider and trainer perspective; how such new knowledge does modernize previous perceptions in terms of riding and training techniques. Click Here for Book and Preview

Jean Luc Cornille

Kindle Horse eBooks

Click Here For Kindle Books




The authority-pleasing, question-suppressing, rule-following approach is wasting the athletic abilities of talented horses and gifted riders



   Download Articles in PDF Files 

Short studies providing history of the scientific research, explanation and practical application of pertinent and specific subjects. 




Some horses

can recover

from irreversible problems because the issues

were irreversible until someone found the solution

stifle problems in equines

The Horse's Natural Cadence

Chazot and Jean Luc Cornille Video

Both, advanced scientific studies and classical authors fault

the driving aids.

A word on the creating team

Helyn is the genius behind the images. Jean Luc is the mind behind the words.


Helyn loves horses for who they are, their beauty, their movements. Her professional eye catches postures and expressions that are the touch of class behind each one of our illustrations.

Jean Luc loves horses as great athletes. His respect for them is the force behind his incessant search for better education.

Together, they provide the means to add beauty, love  for  horses, and soundness in the show and the training rings.    


More of the team


Pedmont Equine Assciates

Dr. Elliot , Dr. Pike )


Our wonderful Editor

Susan Hopf